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Waterhog Plus

Waterhog Plus

Service Description

WaterHog Plus: an advanced engineered floormat, ideally designed for the Canadian climate!

The WaterHog is engineered to address walk-way risk management and soil and moisture control, making it a great year-round product for any business.

WaterHog features 100% post-consumer recycled PET fabric reclaimed from plastic drink bottles. The product is available in both cleated and smooth backing, while its nitrile rubber is grease and oil resistant.

Each mat’s bi-level surface will effectively remove and store dirt and moisture beneath shoe level until it is cleaned at our facility. WaterHog Plus offers a unique “Water Dam” that holds up to 1.5 gallons of water per square yard.

Eco Premier-Classic, Eco Premier Fashion-FashionSurfaceFibre Type:Solution Dyed P.E.TWeight800 gr/m2Nub Height:0.64 cmDesign:Swirl patternBorder

Durometer65Tensil1800BackingType:Nitrile RubberThickness4.5mm – Border2.3mm – Body

Rental Pool Sizes3’x4′, 3’x5′, 3’x 10′, 4’x6′, 5’x7′, 5’x10′, 6’x12′


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